Hibernation & Power Saving
The Sabrlux lighting fixtures are designed with battery life in mind. There are several options to choose from as well as some automatic functions to preserve the battery.
The power modes can be set from the Global tab of the app and there are 6 options to choose from:
- Full Power
- 3/4 Power
- 1/2 Power
- 1/4 Power
- LEDs Off
- Hibernate
General power modes
The first 4 power modes limit the maximum brightness of the Sabrlux fixture to allow a guaranteed extra runtime. It is strongly advised to choose the lowest power level that will suffice in order to keep the batteries alive for longer.
LEDs Off power mode
- The LEDs Off power mode further reduces power consumption by fully powering down all of the LED arrays.
- The arrays use a significant amount of power even when dimmed down to black, powering the control circuits for the arrays.
- By turning these arrays control circuits off with the LEDs Off power mode battery life can be extended by +300% compared to fully dimmed to black LEDs. This can be considered a light sleep mode and should be used when the programming is complete and there is a <1hr wait time before the show begins.
- With a full battery the Sabrlux fixtures can last 8 days in LEDs Off mode before they run flat.
Hibernate power mode
- The Hibernate power mode reduces power consumption to a bare minimum by powering down nearly all of the internal circuits and sending the processor to sleep.
- In Hibernate mode the fixtures will wake up every 30 seconds, connect to the network and then broadcast a message to the app to see if the current power mode setting has been changed from Hibernate. If it receives a response from the app to change to a different mode then the fixture will wake up, otherwise the fixture goes to sleep for a further 30 seconds.
- Please note that to wake the fixtures up you must select the fixture to wake (often the All Fixtures option) and then select a power mode other than hibernate and WAIT with the app screen in focus. This can take up to 30 seconds.
- Battery life in Hibernate power mode battery life can be extended by +30000% compared to fully dimmed to black LEDs – that’s 30x the runtime.
- With a full battery the Sabrlux fixtures can last 240 days in Hibernate mode before they run flat.
Single Sided View & the Led Config picker
It is also advised to choose Single Sided View from the Led Config picker whenever the fixtures will not be viewed from the back. This will nearly double the battery life of the fixtures when running.
Automatic power saving functions
If at any point during the operation of the Sabrlux fixtures the network connection is lost then the fixtures will gracefully dim to black and go to sleep for 30 seconds as per the hibernate cycle, however they will automatically wake up when the network is rediscovered. This can be a usefull way to initiate hibernate mode but remember that you should have static ip addresses configured if necessary as the router will re-assign dhcp addresses upon powering back up.
If the battery level of a fixture goes below 1% then the fixture will gracefully dim to black and go into hibernation sleep indefinitely. The only way to wake them up from this slumber is to charge the fixtures up and power cycle them.